The Quality Management System of Kaplanlar Refrigeration Inc, operating in refrigerated display cabinet design and manufacturing fields and , Kaplanlar Marketing Inc , operating in the sales of the manufactured cabinets with customer-oriented principle , has been established in accordance with our company goals and core values as below:
All Kaplanlar employees have adopted and committed to comply with the corporate quality policy.
Customer Satisfaction,
Increasing one’s market share,
Ensuring one’s continuity in processes,
Preventing injury and health impairment,
Preventing of environmental pollution,
Compliance with applicable legal and other requirements related to occupational, health and safety , environment,
Eliminating environmental and health and safety risks with a preventive approach or reducing to acceptable levels,
Minimizing the consumption of energy and other natural resources with effective resource utilization and producing long-live products,
Making actions to increase the satisfaction of our employees,
Continuous improvement.